Richmondshire Repair and Repurposing Cafe

Date set for our next event !

Our next Repair and Repurposing Cafe will be :

Sunday 8th September 2024

at: Richmond Town Hall, Market Place, Richmond

Doors open at 9.45 and close at 12.30

The last items will be accepted for repair at about 12.15.

Free entry but donations to help fund future cafes would be welcome. 

Our fabulous team of fixers - all local volunteers - will be on hand to try and fix your household items.

Clothes, fabric, electronics*, small electricals*, laptops/tablets*, jewellery, bicycles and more ! 

Tea, coffee, cake and soft drinks available

*if you are bringing electrical items for repair, please can you bring the power cable too !

Posted 16th July 2024

Could you be a volunteer at our next event ?

We are always looking for new volunteers to help us organise and run our repair and repurposing cafes - could this be you?

If you get satisfaction from helping others and would like to join our small but friendly team of repairers, cake bakers and organisers, then please get in touch with

You can do as much or as little as you want - you don't have to help out at every event. We are hoping to run events in Richmond and around every couple of months or so.

Scroll down to see what our first event was like - all our volunteers thoroughly enjoyed it !

Posted: 16th July 2024

Thank you to everyone who supported our first ever repair and repurposing cafe. Our enthusiastic and highly skilled community volunteers managed to fix almost half of all the items that you brought in, our cake makers excelled themselves with their fabulous offerings and our meet and greet volunteers made sure everyone felt welcome. A beaming smile from a little one indicated that the repurposing activity got the thumbs up too !

If you enjoy fixing things or meeting and greeting visitors, perhaps you would like to be a volunteer at one of our future events ? if so, please get in touch with me via email ( find out more.  

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy from volunteers Sandra, Sue and Tony that capture some of the atmosphere of the day.

2 bikes repaired

1 IT item fixed

2 pieces of jewellery fixed 

All our lovely volunteers ready for action !

6 electronic/electrical items repaired

4 fabric repairs 

4 general repairs

Repair Repurpose Cafe - Poster. - 09th June rev b.pdf

Our first Repair and Repurposing Cafe will be in RICHMOND

Sunday 9th June 2024, from 10am - 12.30pm

Richmond Town Hall, Market Place, Richmond

FREE ENTRY - but donations welcome !

Our fabulous team of fixers - all local volunteers - will be on hand to try and fix your household items.  

Clothes, fabric, electronics, small electricals, laptops/tablets, jewellery, bicycles and more ! 

Tea, coffee, cake and soft drinks available

Items may not be accepted for repair after 12 noon

This is to allow the repairers to finish their work before the cafe closes at 12.30

What is a repair and repurposing cafe?  

A repair and repurposing cafe is an event where people can bring along their broken or damaged goods and clothes and community volunteers have a go at fixing them, or reimagining new uses for your items. 

The idea is to save you money by helping you making the most of what you already have, and to help save the planet by reducing the amount of waste going to landfill !

Volunteers give their time for free, though if they have a spare part that is needed for your repair, they may charge you for what they paid for it, or they may tell you where you can go and purchase the part. 

Unfortunately, not everything that you bring to cafe may be repairable on the day. We will try to suggest a local business where it could be repaired, or may suggest an alternative use for the item if it is beyond repair. 

Updated 31st May 2024

Who might you meet on the day ?

Our fabulous fixers already confirmed include:

Mark - household mechanical and electrical items

Ian- mechanical and electrical items, electronics, woodwork

Andrew - Laptops, tablets, general electrical and mechanical items

Don - our 'have a go at anything' man ! 

Sue - fabric/jewellery

Carol* - threaded jewellery

Sandra - fabrics/clothes/soft toys

Luke* - PAT testing to ensure all electrical equipment and repairs are safe. 

Phil* - bicycle repairs. 

*Carol, Phil and Luke have businesses or enterprises in Richmond, but are generously giving their time for free at the cafe. See the 'our supporters' item below.

Our leaders of the repurposing activities for children and young people

Edwina - North Yorkshire Youth and Community Development worker - DBS accredited

Richie - former youth worker and trainee teacher

Our meet and greet team will include

Margaret - refreshments and cakes

Heather  - refreshments and cakes

Elaine - welcome and registration

Frank - welcome and registration

Barbara - welcome and registration

Tony - welcome and registration

Valerie - welcome, registration and overall coordination

Simon - our mentor and guest from the highly successful Stokesley & Villages Repair Cafe. 

Updated: 4th June 2024

What if you can't fix my item ?

If we can't fix your item, then you might want to try a local repair business. Check out the local repairers directory below to see if there is one that matches your needs !

Updated: 6th June 2024

repairers directory rev1.pdf

Who is supporting the repair cafe ?

As well as all the volunteers who have organised and taken part in the event and of course all the people who turn up, the repair and repurposing cafe would not be possible without the welcome financial support of the following:

The following volunteers are taking time out from their related companies to support the cafe in kind:

Luke of BSA Electrical Your Local Electrician - BSA Electrical 

Carol of Goosewing Studios Goosewing Studios | Handmade Jewellery 

Phil of Richmondshire Community Bicycle Services CIC – Recycling Unwanted Bicycles ( 

Thanks to everyone ! 

Posted: 31st May 2024

How long is it until the next repair cafe ?

If our first repair and repurposing cafe is successful and we have enough willing volunteers, we hope to run another cafe in the area soon. 

Please check back to this page or email to be added to the mailing list. 

Posted 4th June 2024

Are you good at fixing things ? Do you enjoy helping out ?

If you would like to get involved in helping to organise the Richmond repair cafe, either as a repairer, front of house or behind the scenes, do get in touch with We would particularly love to hear from people with woodwork, sewing or computer fixing skills. Why not showcase your talents in an informal and friendly setting?

Posted: 1st April 2024

Information for Volunteers


Repair Cafe Layout - rev1

240412 notes of meet up no2 - town hall size up.doc

Meet up No 2, 12th April - notes

240329 Notes of repair cafe meetup no1.doc

Meet up No 1,  28th March  - notes